Member Center

Members can use the login button at the top of the page.  Then you can access your profile to view, update and set privacy levels for your CPFI member information with the links in the welcome information or by using the member center menu buttons. You can also explore and join various special groups (communities) such as the prayer team.  Members and non-members can see a listing of the current officers, board members, and active committees using the menu buttons.  Nonmembers or lapsed members can use this link to join CPFI online.

CPFI is dependent on the generous contributions of its members.  There is a quick link to give you an opportunity to to become a financial partner. We also provide an opportunity for members to post job openings and anyone to be able to check out the postings on the CPFI Job Board (see the Quick Link.


Members and nonmembers can use the Events menu above to investigate the upcoming annual meeting, explore past annual meetings.  Members who have logged in can access the handouts from the past annual meeting, review the agendas for past and upcoming annual meetings and minutes of past annual meetings.  Calendars and listing of past and upcoming events are available to everyone. CPFI meetings (breakfasts, luncheons, etc.) at various national and regional meetings can be found.

Professional and student awards, and the past recipients are also listed and accessed using the events menu buttons.  The quick links on the page will take you to various CPFI publications and to a summary of our history and beliefs as well as providing our contact information.