Short Term Global Opportunities |
CPFI has agreed to partner with the Christian Medical and Dental Associations and the Fellowship of Christian Nurses to send out short term medical teams under the group Global Health Outreach. The teams usually are one or two weeks in length. To apply for a trip visit the GHO ServiceReef site and for a complete list of the possible projects and dates, click on the link to the GHO trip list.
Missions Scholarships
CPFI has limited funds from a tithe account to provide support for pharmacists or students going on short term mission projects. (Please note that if funds are awarded, that they will only be sent to the sending agency, not to individuals.) Mission Scholarship Application Online, pdf , Word doc - Preference is given to GHO requests, but all applications are considered.
Pharmacist Tools for Short Term Mission Projects:
Pharmacist Manual for Short Term Mission Trips:
Best Practices - for Pharmacists on Short-Term Missions Trips
Prescription Labels - Word document template for Avery prescription labels to use on plastic zip loc bags as dispensing containers. When you select the link save to your computer the executable file which is a self-extracting zip file that has multiple document templates for labels in English and Spanish.
Guidelines for Labeling - FIP guidelines for prescription labeling.
Sample Formulary - Spreadsheet with a sample formulary.
Acquisition of Medications - Handout from GMHC Updated Nov. 2010
Last Updated on Saturday, September 14, 2024 12:23 PM |